April 26, 2023 7:25 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
A lot of training in the workplace revolves around improving employees’ technical skills and competencies directly related to their jobs. That’s normal and desirable. But if you’re in charge of…
April 5, 2023 7:24 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
People in charge of employee learning often incline toward the positive, i.e., they train folks in what TO do, not what to NOT do. And that’s usually a fine approach….
February 28, 2023 7:21 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
What if there were a magic bullet that would ensure your best people would stay with your organization? Well, according to a comprehensive new report on workplace trends, there just…
February 7, 2023 7:15 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
When you think of employee learning, do you think of people gathered in a conference room listening to a trainer or professional consultant? Or, perhaps sitting in front of their…
December 22, 2022 7:15 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
It goes without saying that some folks in your organization need strong negotiating skills — salespeople, of course, as well as anyone who makes deals with vendors or manages relationships…
November 29, 2022 7:09 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
Over the past year, the demand for training in nonverbal communication has nearly tripled, according to the latest annual report by the online learning company Udemy. The report compares consumption…
October 31, 2022 7:59 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
There’s probably no hotter workplace training topic today than Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Amid powerful social movements on behalf of persons of color, persons of differing sexual orientation and…
September 27, 2022 7:23 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
What do you want out of your employee training programs? Uh, wait a sec. Maybe that’s not the first question you should be asking. Maybe you should wonder instead what…
August 30, 2022 7:28 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
The concept of Emotional Intelligence isn’t exactly new. In fact, it’s been around for several decades now. But guess what? It isn’t going away, because the need for emotionally intelligent…
July 26, 2022 7:21 amPublished by Dave ClemensLeave your thoughts
Thinking of returning to the status quo of in-person training from before the pandemic? If so, know that you’ll be in a small minority. The authoritative Training Industry Report for…