Stephen Meyer presents “Micro-First” approach to micro-training at 2018 ATD Conference in San Diego

Stephen Meyer, CEO of The Rapid Learning Institute, will be presenting two sessions and participating in a panel discussion on instructional design at the 2018 ATD International Conference in San Diego.

He will present a “Micro-First” approach to training — a radical new way to design learning initiatives.

Micro-training is emerging as an attractive alternative to legacy instructor-led training (ILT), which as a percentage of all training has fallen from 77% in 2001 to under 50% today. But despite the current interest in short-form learning, Meyer suggests that most organizations are still getting it wrong: Micro-training isn’t a cheaper/faster alternative to instructor-led training (ILT), which isn’t going away anytime soon. And it shouldn’t be seen as an add-on or reinforcement tool for traditional training. Instead, it creates an opportunity to design new instructional models that increase engagement and retention.

“Micro-First is a way to make learning a process rather than an event,” says Meyer. “With traditional instructional design, the vast majority of prep time, mindshare and delivery go into ILT event itself. Follow-up is an afterthought. Micro-First, by contrast, starts with short learning modules followed by active-learning events to make it stick.”

Meyer will cite examples showing how this approach has already transformed corporate learning programs, and will offer guidelines on how to create Micro-First learning initiatives.

Sessions:  Micro-First: A Radical New Way to Design Learning Initiatives.
Mon. May 7, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. and Tues. May 8, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Panel discussion: Microlearning: What? Why? How?
Tues. May 8, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

About Stephen Meyer:

Stephen Meyer is President/CEO of the Rapid Learning Institute (RLI), founded in 2008. RLI provides online learning platforms in the areas of Sales, Leadership and Employment Law. Meyer has spoken at multiple learning conferences, including ATD (2014-16), Training (2015-17), and Elliott Masie (2013). He has written a learning column for and published articles in all the major learning publications including TD Magazine, CLO, Training Magazine, Learning Solutions,, and E-learning Industry. Prior to RLI, Meyer was Director of Publishing at The Hay Group, a Philadelphia-based global HR, benefits and compensation consulting firm. He received his MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

About the Rapid Learning Institute

RLI’s approach is driven by three core principles, called the “Three Pillars”: 1) Research-Based Learning. Training is most powerful when it’s grounded in verifiable research. That’s because when learners see training as credible, they’re more likely to translate the learning into on-the-job behavior; 2) Single-Concept Learning. People learn best when training is focused on a narrow concept where learning goals are clearly defined. When training is delivered in small packets, the brain can easily absorb, remember and apply what it learns. 3) Rapid Learning. Workplace training comes in short bursts – just five to seven minutes at a time. Today’s multi-tasking workforce has neither the time nor the attention span for traditional lengthy training formats.

RLI is based in Greater Philadelphia, PA.

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