One rapid learning® insight at a time

Discover the Power of Single-Concept Leadership Training

A unique approach to leadership development that fits with how the brain naturally learns. Experience professional training your managers will retain and deploy on the job.

Our unique approach to Leadership Development

Single Concept Learning is Key

  • targeted
  • engaging
  • actionable
  • credible

No cognitive overload

Our facilitated workshops and video coaching solutions are based on this simple but powerful idea: Teach one concept, to change one behavior, to achieve one desired outcome. Then move on to the next skill. That’s how our brains learn best.

Learning can't be passive

Leadership training is only effective when learners are engaged in the process. Our methodology is experiential, requiring participants to actively discuss key concepts, conduct role plays and apply learning on the job.

Use it or lose it

Leadership training that never makes it out of the classroom won’t deliver the results you want. The Rapid Learning approach provides opportunities for managers to deploy on the job what they’ve learned, report on results and receive feedback until mastery of skills is achieved.

Research makes it real

The concepts in Rapid Learning’s facilitated leadership workshops and video programs are driven by research on the psychology of influence and behavior. Learners are more willing to embrace new ideas when they’re backed by science instead of opinion.

What works best for your organization?

Two paths to Leadership excellence


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Our Customers

Thousands of companies use our training

Quote Image
Scott Odom VP of Stragetic Accounts

Without that BTS Total Access training video, the reps would never have come up with that idea. It led to $2 million in new sales.

Don Simons Head of Sales, GFK

I would definitely recommend BTS Total Access. The brevity of the videos, the flexibility of the program, & the power of the content we have found to be really impactful.

Carter Benjamin Executive VP, Wind-lock Corp

We’ve experienced double digit growth over the past few years and part of that success we attribute to the addition of BTS Total Access to our training program.

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