An Employee Evaluation Results in a Personal Development Plan
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An Employee Evaluation Results in a Personal Development Plan

The employee creates this after the employee evaluation

At the end of that employee evaluation meeting, you hand somebody a blank sheet. And they’re going to transpose the areas for improvement and turn them into goals for a personal development plan.

Recommendations as part of the employee evaluation plan
They’re going to take the development recommendations and use them as feedstock for action items underneath the goals. They’re going to put dates and time tables for the things they’re going to do. So, the two of you can tell whether you’ve met the expectations on accomplishing things from the employee evaluation

The employee fills this out after the employee evaluation. It’s not your job as a boss to fill out their development plan. We want them to take ownership out. They may get some other development input in other places. It’s their career. They come up with a plan. Spend 15 minutes reviewing this as part of the employee evaluation.

In the end, you got to be careful. Just because they typed this form out really nicely doesn’t mean you have to sign it. You both have to agree on this plan and then it’s up to the employee to execute it.

So, now they’ve got this plan and what are they going to do with it? Three months later, you are going to go to the coffee machine. You’re going to take that plan. And you’re going to have the employee take a marker pen and say, “I did that, did that, half way done, should be done next quarter and ooops, that got delayed.”

The manager’s job
And the manager’s job is to look through that form with them, structure that meeting to say, “Okay, talk to me through this, okay? And you’re going to get that done when? Okay, very good. And I’ve seen progress here. Great. What can I do to help you prioritize getting that one done next quarter? It’s about as tough as you get in this section.”

If somebody changes jobs, changes focus, you might need to correct something. So again, it’s as simple here as taking a colored pen and pencil and marking it up saying what the employee did, what they didn’t do, and what’s in progress. It’s very simple. You don’t need to overcomplicate it. If you’re doing a standard quarterly update for 90% of your people, combine it with your business goal reviews where you talk about what you’ve done for the business and we talk about what you’ve done for yourself. And it makes very logical, quick, little conversation as late as possible. And you get that part of the employee evaluation done.

Edited remarks from the Rapid Learning Institute webinar “No More Performance Reviews! – A Revolutionary Approach to Performance Feedback” by Gary Markle

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