Catalytic Coaching Works As A New Performance Evaluation System
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Catalytic Coaching Works As A New Performance Evaluation System

The performance evaluation system is made of four meetings and three forms

Catalytic coaching is a performance evaluation system designed to help you say to somebody’s face, the kind of thing you’d say about them behind their back for the benefit of the team and the benefit of the individual. Failing to do this in your performance evaluation system means you’re just going to underperform in your job.

There are three forms and four meetings that make up the five-hour performance evaluation system. It’s a five-hour investment per year.

You will spend about three hours preparing for these meetings and two and a half hours you’re going to spend with them live and in person. So, it’s three forms in four meetings.

The interesting thing about this performance evaluation system, the input session is run by the employee and the employee does the talking and the manager listens, that’s the yellow sheet. The second sheet there, the blue one, is where the manager does the talking. By the way, the first meeting is 45 minutes long; the second meeting is 45 minutes again, on average.

And in that second meeting, the manager gets to do the talking. And at the end of it, the employee develops his or her personal development plan. First, the yellow sheet is two sides on one piece of paper, blue sheet is one side on one piece of paper. That’s all the boss hands out.

The Performance Evaluation System Results in A Development Plan
The personal development plan comes from the input sheet and more importantly, the coaching sheet; in other words, the yellow and blue experience combined to make it green. That becomes what you steward for the rest of the year.

So, if you trump one of the things your boss gives you with something your peers or subordinates gave you and your boss will agree to it, put that on your green sheet. Once you’ve got that, you’re going to use that form throughout the rest of the year.

And meetings that come after that are 15 minutes apiece, once a quarter. But you look at what they said they were going to do in the time frame you said you’re going to do it and see if you’ve done it yet, and talk about what we can do to make sure you get more of these things done in the future and progress you’ve made and slippage.

In the end, if you don’t get positive behavioral change, there’s no way you’re going to impact the business with what you’re doing. And ultimately, whatever performance evaluation system you use will be worthless.

Edited remarks from the Rapid Learning Institute webinar “No More Performance Reviews! – A Revolutionary Approach to Performance Feedback” by Gary Markle

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