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Our Training Libraries

A collection of tactical training videos

  • Sales
  • Leadership & Management
  • Relationship Building
    Relationship Building

    Relationship Building: Trust and Expectations

    A study from Missouri State University looked at the relationship between trust and expectations. It found that most salespeople work hard on meeting expectations about the sale, but fail to meet expectations about the sales relationship. Learn what it takes to avoid this critical mistake.

    What Science Says About Giving Gifts to Buyers

    Is it a good idea to give a gift to a customer? Researchers studied the psychological principle of “reciprocity” and found that what you give, and to whom you give it, dictates success or failure.

    Body Language That Builds Trust With New Prospects

    Behavioral researchers at MIT, Cornell and Northwestern Universities studied the body language cues people doing business together for the first time use to determine trustworthiness. Some of the findings make perfect intuitive sense. Others will surprise you.

    Show Your Work: Why Buyers Need to See Your Effort

    Ever wonder why buyers often don’t give you the time you need with them to complete a sale? Could it be because they perceive that you’re trying to close the deal with minimal effort on your part? A study on the concept of “reciprocity” shows that’s exactly what often happens. Learn the power of showing the buyer your “time spent” on a given sale.

    The Value of Small Promises: Earning the ‘Fairness Premium’

    A study from the University of Chicago and UC-San Diego School of Management shows that making lots of small promises that are easy to keep is better than delivering on one big promise. Learn how the concept of the “fairness premium” can improve your customer relationships.

    Dealing with Uncooperative Buyers: Power, Choice and Control

    Research shows that when buyers are uncooperative – cancelling meetings, making unreasonable demands, etc. – they’re doing it for a specific reason. Learn the “secret message” behind uncooperative buyer behaviors, how you can help buyers feel empowered without yielding control, and the absolute worst thing you could possibly do with an uncooperative buyer.

    Internal Networking: How In-house Relationships Help You Make More Sales

    Researchers found that salespeople with strong internal “professional” networks are nearly twice as effective as those with weak networks. But more interesting, those who also had strong internal “personal” networks were three times as effective. Learn the details of how to put these findings to work. (

    'Just Okay' Customer Relationships: How to Make Them Deeper and More Profitable

  • Closing

    What Makes Upselling Succeed – or Fail

    An international research team discovered that upselling success rates were driven by two key factors: the complexity of the sale, and the way the upsell was framed. Learn how these findings can shape your upselling strategy.

    How to Help Prospects Get Internal Buy-in from the C-Suite

    Research published in the Harvard Business Review explains why prospects who say they would purchase your product aren't always willing to advocate your proposal within their organizations. Learn how to help them overcome their deal-crushing risk aversion.

    Winning Complex Sales: Finding Your Champion

    To win complex sales you often need an “champion” who will advocate for you. However, research published in the Harvard Business Review suggests that salespeople too often align themselves with the wrong champion. Learn the different stakeholder profiles to watch for - and how to align yourself with the right one.

    When Your Buyer Can’t Decide: How to Break a Tie

    Research published in the Harvard Business Review examines how buyers use “justifiers” to help them decide when there's no clear first choice between you and a competitor. Learn why the psychological concept of “anticipatory regret” drives the final decision.

    Why Long Selling Cycles Are Killing Your Sales

    What's really happening when sales get stuck. Research shows that in eight out of 10 cases, when buyers sit down to make a decision, one or more critical pieces of information is missing. Learn a proactive process to avoid this pitfall, shorten your sales cycle and close more deals.

    Closing: How “Tag Questions” Can Help You Seal the Deal

    Researchers from Purdue and the University of Idaho a certain type of question can help you win agreement - but only if you're seen as a credible source. Learn the details of how you can use “tag questions” to increase the odds that people will agree with you.

    Closing the Sale: When the Buyer Wants to Sleep On It

    What are buyers actually thinking when they say, “I'll get back to you. I need to sleep on it.” Research from Cornell and Tilburg University answers that question and explains why you shouldn't call attention to your product when the buyer is mulling it over.

    MESOs: Offer Buyers Choices, Not Concessions

    Research on sales negotiations from the Kellogg School of Management experimented with a way to offer choice without trading away value – a strategy called Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers (MESOs). The findings show this technique will help you close more, and significantly bigger deals.

    Getting Buy-in: How Buyers Take Ownership of Your Sales Proposals

    When prospects take “psychological ownership” of the solutions you recommend, they're far more likely to buy. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “endowment effect”. Find out how researchers from Princeton and other top universities connect this to giving your buyers a sense of power and control.

    Closing: Set Your Buyers Free

    There's a certain phrase sales professionals can use that might double their odds of getting a yes. This psychological principle supported by numerous studies and a meta-anlaysis by a researcher from Western Illinois University is as simple as telling buyers that are “free to say no.”

    How to Get Buyers to Follow Through and Do What They Say

    What can you do to increase the odds that buyers will follow through on what they say? Research says the key is to ask them to make a promise. Find out the psychology of why this is so effective how to use this concept to protect your time.

    Selling to Buyers Who Hate to Spend Money

    Research shows that one of three people experience anxiety when they spend money. That might explain why some sales seem to get stuck for no reason. But a major study on buying behavior from the University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon identified two simple strategies that can help you get those buyers to say yes.

    The Post Close: How to Lock in a Sale and Avoid Last-Minute Surprises

    Don’t sell past the close. You’ve heard that a million times. Once the customer says yes, just say, “Thank you very much and let’s get started.” The problem is, some customers still have unfinished business. And if you ignore it, you could find that sale slipping away. In this Quick Take, you will learn how to use the Post Close: a simple yet powerful technique that can help you test your new buyer’s commitment and protect your sales against last-minute surprises.

    Unconsidered Needs: How Changing the Conversation Wins Sales

    Research from Stanford University reveals the best way to present your customer with “unconsidered needs.” When you’re facing a buyer who thinks they know what they want, this powerful technique can position you as a safer and better choice.

    Closing Time: When’s it Best to Ask for the Sale?

    Scholars from Columbia University and Israel’s Ben Gurion University discovered that people are less likely to make decisions that upset the status quo late in the day. Find out how this phenomenon known as “ego depletion” can help you close more deals.

    Negotiations: Should You Justify Your Price?

    Obviously, when you state your price it can’t possible hurt to explain the “why” behind the prices you’re charging, right? Not so fast. A study showed that justifying your price isn’t always the best approach.

    Upselling Without Fear: Get More From Almost Every Sale

    Many sales professionals fear upselling because they believe it will make them look greedy and might cost them the sale. Fact is, this fear is legitimate – if you don’t handle upselling properly. But top sellers know that upselling is a powerful tool to increase sales volume and add value to the customer. In this presentation you’ll learn: The two most common upselling mistakes, the ideal moment to ask for more and the #1 insight star salespeople “get” about upselling.

    Selling to Buyers Who Hate to Spend Money

  • Referrals

    How Buyers Benefit From Giving You a Referral

    Research shows that referrals are as much as 180 times more likely to close than cold contacts. Yet only 11 percent of salespeople actually ask for a referral, mainly because they think the “cost of helping” is too high. A study shows why this is wrong, and why potential referrers are for more willing to help than you might expect.

    Referrals: The Power of Few

    No matter how much you ask for referrals, customers rarely give you a name. So is it even worth the effort? A study says yes. Learn why you may be underestimating the value of asking for referrals, a key reason why referral efforts fail, and which types of customers are most likely to give you a referral.

    The 'Other' Referral: Why it's Valuable, How to Get It and What to Do With It

  • Account Management
    Account Management

    Buyer’s Remorse: Why It Happens and How to Manage It

    A study reveals the built-in reason people experience a letdown after they’ve made a purchase, why it’s not something you caused or could prevent, and a simple approach to managing this emotional letdown and keeping your buyer’s enthusiasm high over the long term.

    How to Sell a Price Increase

    Do buyers just assume price increases are unfair? According to research from the University of California Graduate School of Management, no, provided the news is delivered a certain way. Find out what you need to know about this critical sales skill.

    Account Retention: Little Signs of Big Trouble

    Why do salespeople so often miss the signs of trouble ahead with existing customers. Researchers at McGill University found that it has to do with our brain's bandwidth and natural tendency to focus on our own role in conversations. Learn a proven approach to avoid this dangerous pitfall.

    Building Customer Loyalty: The Entanglement Strategy

    Here’s a scary fact: A study shows that 50% of “satisfied” customers are willing to switch suppliers. To retain customers, you need to do more than just satisfy them. You need to “entangle” them. That is, find ways to lock them into your services so that the cost of switching to too high.

    Managing Expectations with Unrealistic Customers: The Reverse Cold Feet Technique

    Every sales person eventually deals with customers who have unrealistic expectations. They underestimate the amount of work required to complete the job, the internal resources they’ll need to support the project, and the time required to get it done. You’re eager to close the deal so you’re reluctant to challenge them too much in the early goings. But having misaligned expectations is a recipe for disaster. This Quick Take will give an approach that can help. You’ll learn how to effectively manage buyers’ expectations, have a tough talk without scaring them off, and get the commitment you need to be successful.

    Angry Customers: The Three R’s for Dealing with Hostility

  • Sales Management
    Sales Management

    Sales Leadership Credibility Part 1: The ‘Confidence Base’

    What does it take to be a credible sales leader? Is it charisma? Raw intelligence? Some intangible trait that some people are born with and others are not? The fact is, credibility often boils down to one key factor. In this program you’ll discover what that is and learn: Why 'leadership skill' is NOT what gets people promoted into management, the number one source of credibility for sales leaders, the key to increasing, and sustaining, your credibility as a leader and just how fragile credibility can be.

    How to Smoke Out Impostors in Interviews for Sales Jobs

    University of Missouri researchers found that when the interviewers formed a favorable first impression of a sales job applicant, they fall victim to “confirmation bias” and starting selling the job instead of qualifying the candidate. Learn how to avoid this trap and make better hiring decisions.

    Coaching: How to Help Salespeople Frame Setbacks in a Positive Way

    University of Pennsylvania research reveals why some salespeople handle rejection so much better than others. Unsuccessful people engaged in negative self-talk, seeing their failure as personal (their fault) and pervasive. Successful salespeople did the opposite, framing failure as something external to themselves and related to the specific situation. Learn how to coach your people using this powerful insight.

    Why Praise Can Backfire – And How to Do It Right

    Researchers from Columbia University found that there's a right way and a wrong way to deliver employee praise. This Quick Take reveals their findings and shows managers how to avoid the common mistakes that can cause praise to backfire.

    How to Get More Reps Selling Like Your Top Reps

    Researchers from Stanford University show that it's extremely difficult for experts to transfer their knowledge to non-experts. So how can your struggling salespeople learn from your best? The answer: role plays - but only if you do them right.

    The Activity Fallacy

    A study conducted by Huthwaite, a leading sales consulting firm, examined more than 35,000 sales calls and found that pushing a sales team to work harder, make more calls, get more meetings, and close more deals can actually depress results. Learn the behaviors that can help your team avoid this dangerous trap.

    The Power of Predictability

    A study reveals the critical importance of a single managerial behavior – predictability – that can reduce stress, improve team morale, boost productivity and reduce employee attrition. In an uncertain environment, this is about wearing your game face and keeping people calm and focused.

    Sales and the 80-20 Rule

    The coventional wisdom 80-20 Rule says that the best 20% of your salespeople generate 80% of your results. That makes it tempting to offer huge incentives for top performance. But national analysis from the Sales Leadership Council says this could be a costly mistake.

    The ABC Method: Handling a Bad Attitude

    Learn why saying 'You have a bad attitude’ is the worst possible thing to say to somebody who has one. Instead, focus your feedback on specific behaviors that people can actually change.

    A Four-Point Model for Leading High-Performance Teams

    There is one thing all successful leaders get that failed leaders don’t. They know they can’t achieve breakthrough organizational results by themselves. That wisdom is often hard-earned because most leaders started their careers as individual high performers who moved mountains all alone. But they figured out at some point that the key to their success as a leader was their team. This program will give you a proven 4-point model for building and maintaining a high-performance team that consistently delivers extraordinary results.

    Leading from Your Confidence Base

    A study from Harvard Business School investigated the critical factors that make managers successful. The findings showed that credibility as a leader starts with your Confidence Base. Find out how to put this counterintuitive insight to work for you.

    Is It Okay To Let People Fail?

    Numerous studies have shown the benefits of “productive failure.” People learn more quickly - and more deeply - when they first struggle and fail. Learn why managers must give employees the opportunity to fail safely.

    How To Turn Around A Struggling Team

    Learn what research from Gallup reveals about the best way to turn around a low-performing sales team; why efforts to improve skill deficits can backfire; and where to focus your coaching efforts to get the best results.

    Coaching: Your Mindset Makes All the Difference

    Research from Stanford University shows that bold managers who adopt a “growth mindset,” rather than a “fixed mindset,” are far more able to change behavior and develop their people.

    Hiring for Grit

    Social Psychologist Angela Duckworth and othe researchers from the University of Pennsylvania investigated the concept of 'grit' and why it is such a powerful predictor of professional success. Learn how managers can apply these findings to build a persistent and passionate team of high-performers.

    Six Managerial Styles You Need to Lead Effectively

    Research shows that leadership is highly situational and that no “one-size-fits-all” leadership style works all the time. Master a repertoire of six managerial styles that will allow you to respond appropriately in a variety of different situations.

    How to Harness Peer Learning in Group Sessions

    A Stanford University study suggests that peer participation in learning initiatives is surprisingly effective. People view peer advice as more “real-world” than that from experts, so they’re more likely to act on that advice.

    Situational Interviews: How They Can Improve Your Sales Hiring Decisions

    A study from Erasmus University in Holland reveals why traditional interview questions so often fail to predict future performance. The findings show why “situational interview” questions far outperformed all others in the study, and how to create and use these questions based on the specific job you need to fill.

    Framing Corrective Feedback in a Positive Way

    A University of Michigan study revealed a method for framing corrective feedback so that it addresses non-productive behaviors head on – but does so in a positive, non-threatening way that’s remarkably effective.

    Coaching: How to Help Reps Bounce Back After a Failure

    Giving sales reps a pep talk after a failure doesn't hurt, but it doesn't do much good either. Research from the UC Berkeley shows why such “outside validation” doesn't work - and reveals what managers should do instead to get reps back on track.

    Why 80% of Sales Training Doesn’t Stick

    This Quick Take will show you the number one reason why star sales managers get extraordinary results from their sales reps. If you often feel that you’re constantly drilling your reps on time-tested selling techniques, but that your message just isn’t sinking in, the reason is that you’re not following the simple practice outlined in this program. Less than seven minutes from now, you’ll know the secret, and it will transform the way you train your sales force.

    Lead Follow-Up: How Much Is Enough?

    Following up on leads can pose a real dilemma for salespeople. On the one hand, you want to be sure you exhaust every opportunity to convert those prospects into new business. On the other, you don’t want to waste valuable time chasing leads who have no real intention of buying. In this Quick Take, you will learn what a massive research study reveals about how much follow-up it takes to find real buyers, the follow-up “sweet spot” – the number of calls that yielded the best return on time and effort for most salespeople, how much effort salespeople really devote to follow-up, versus how much effort they think they put in, and how to create an optimal follow-up strategy for your sales team.

    Coaching: How to help reps bounce back after a failure

  • Prospecting

    Why You Miss Your Goals and How to Start Hitting Them

    Research from the Universities of Bath and Sheffield in the UK found that your two to three times more likely to achieve your goals by writing down “goal implementation” instead of “goal intentions.” Learn why this simple but powerful technique is so effective.

    The Secret to Getting Past Gatekeepers

    It would be nice if you could just pick up the phone or drop by an office and reach key decision makers at prospect companies. But that’s not the way it goes. More often than not, you find yourself dealing with a gatekeeper … someone who is very protective of the boss’s time and trained to screen out unwanted sales calls. Every once in a while you can use your charm to navigate your way past gatekeepers, but when faced with a real professional, friendly chit-chat and small talk won’t get you anywhere. This Quick Take will give you the insights you need to work through the most tenacious gatekeepers. You’ll learn the #1 mistake most sales people make when faced with gatekeepers, the one skill gatekeepers take the greatest pride in and the thing that gatekeepers fear most – and how to use it to your advantage.

    Overcoming Call Reluctance

    Research from Baylor University reveals that the key to overcoming call reluctance is shifting from “self-focused attention” to “task-focused attention.” Learn how this insight can vastly increase targeted call volume and boost sales.

    Prospecting: How to Get Buyers to Hear Your Message

    A study on the concept of “buying schema” reveals the key reason why prospects tune out your message, when it’s a good idea not to meet buyers’ expectations, and how to get buyers to really listen to what you’re saying.

    Cold Calling: Nail the First 20 Seconds

    University of Georgia research found that the way many salespeople start a cold call is consistent with behavior psychologists call grandiose narcissism. Find out why this is such a common problem, and learn the three steps sellers should let prospects know before they say anything else.

    Time Management for Sales: The Golden Hours

    Research from MIT shows the best times for salespeople to make prospecting calls. But the real secret to success can only be revealed in a Time Optimization Plan. Learn how to create one so you can maximize your efficiency and results.

    Reaching the C-Suite: The Down-Side-Up Approach

    Sometimes the best way to reach the C-suite decision-maker is to go down and sideways through the organization before you try to go up. Research from the University of Michigan and Northwestern University explains why.

    Why You Miss Your Goals and How to Start Hitting Them

  • Discovery & Qualifying
    Discovery & Qualifying

    Why a Lean Pipeline Maximizes Sales

    An in-depth study of sales pipelines at a Fortune 500 company revealed some surprising results. Learn why more leads on the front end can result in fewer sales on the back end - and questions you can ask early in the process to protect your valuable time.

    How to Ask Awkward Questions

    A study reveals the main reason why salespeople avoid awkward questions, why and when prospects are most willing to disclose valuable information about themselves, and the best way to structure your questions to avoid resistance.

    How Many Customer Problems Do You Need to Dig Up?

    A massive study on discovery calls conducted by the research lab at the software company found that uncovering four customer problems, instead of just one, drove success rates from 53% to 85%. Learn the details of these surprising results - and how to achieve them.

    Stupid Questions: A Smart Selling Strategy

    Researchers in the Psychology Department at Harvard wondered what went on in people’s heads when they were asked certain kinds of questions. Find out what questions light up buyer's brains and why some “stupid questions” aren't stupid at all.

    Why a Lean Pipeline Maximizes Sales

  • Presentations & Communication
    Presentations & Communication

    Texting Prospects: Should You or Shouldn’t You?

    A leading sales software company conducted a study of 3.5 million sales leads from 400+ companies to find out if texting helps or hurts sales. They found that conversion rates were 40% higher than average when texting was used. But be careful, the opposite can happen if those texts are sent at the wrong time.

    The Science Behind Storytelling in Sales

    Experiments conducted at Ohio State University looked at how stories can connect with people and change their beliefs. The research reveals powerful insights sales professionals can use to craft compelling stories that win buyer trust.

    The Secret to Selling CEOs

    An analysis of 500,000+ discovery conversations found that top executives tolerate only half as many questions as lower-level buyers. Learn what else you must do to sell successfully to the C-suite.

    How to Deliver Good News—and Not So Good News—to Buyers

    Researchers at Harvard Business School conducted experiments to see how people would respond when given pieces of good news or bad news. Learn how salespeople can use these findings when communicating with their customers and prospects.

    Gaining Commitment: How to Get Buyers to Persuade Themselves

    Studies on persuasion and behavior from Indiana, Northwestern and Ohio Universities suggest two powerful ways to harness buyers’ own motivations and get them more committed to buying your solution. Find out how this “repeat and defend” strategy can make your sales conversations more effective.

    Framing the Sale: The Power of Loss Aversion

    Research from the University College of London reveals that avoidance of loss triggers far stronger emotions than opportunity for gain. Learn how to use this insight to get hesitant buyers to feel urgency and take action.

    Why Salespeople Just Can’t Shut Up

    The average salesperson talks over 81 percent of the time in a selling situation. A Harvard study shows it’s because talking about yourself (or your product) is as addictive as gambling and drugs. A sister study shows the shocking truth about how much income people are willing to give up because they can’t stop talking about themselves.

    Communication: How Prospects First Decide Whether to Trust You

    Numerous scientific studies have found that in the early stages of a relationship, the decision to trust someone comes down to two questions. Results also suggest that people make up their minds about these two factors within minutes. Learn how to apply these insights to build trust and win more sales.

    Presenting Features and Benefits: The Power of Three

    Research from UCLA and Georgetown University shows how “benefits overload” can drive a wedge between you and your prospect. Learn how to keep your communication positive and persuasive; and why presenting more than three features or benefits at a time can undermine your sales message.

    Effective Sales Conversations: What Does the Research Say?

    A research project analyzed millions of recorded sales conversations using interactive voice recognition. The results identified three factors that drove conversion rates up by 275%. Learn the details of these finds and what language needs to be a part of every call.

    How and When to Disclose Risk to Prospects

    An international research team came to the surprising conclusion that disclosing risk can actually help you sell more. Learn why timing is key and how it can turn fear into trust.

    Resonating Focus: The Key to Creating High-Value Proposals

    A group of professors writing in the Harvard Business Review reveal a counter-intuitive approach for adding value to your proposals. Learn how this concept can make your message more compelling and increase your chances of winning the sale.

    Communication: Getting Your Buyer to See the Light

    What’s the best way to counter a person who has deeply held, but incorrect belief? A Dartmouth University study answers that question. It gives insight into how the brain processes information any explains a simple but powerful technique salespeople can use to win agreement.

    Avoiding the “Yes Trap”: Building Trust with Prospects and Customers

    You can offer the highest value, the lowest price, the best service. None of it matters unless you first win your customer’s trust. But trust takes time – time you don’t always have … and that’s what leads many sales people into the “Yes Trap” – and it crushes their credibility. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn what the “Yes Trap” is, why it snares so many salespeople, and a counterintuitive technique to avoid it and instantly build trust and credibility.

    How to Win at High-Stakes Sales

    Researchers from the University of British Columbia uncovered what buyers are really looking for when making a high-stakes purchase. Learn their surprising findings and what you can do to increase your chances of winning these sales.

    Why Salespeople Just Can't Shut Up

  • Handling Objections
    Handling Objections

    How to Turn Shortcomings Into Strengths

    A team of international social psychologists conducted experiments that point to an effective approach to honestly acknowledge your offers imperfections in a way that can actually add perceived value. When you get it right, you increase the likelihood that a buyer will say yes.

    How to Handle “Deal-Breaker” Objections

    Research from Columbia University and Hebrew University in Jerusalem found that people focus on the negative when pushed to make immediate decisions. Discover how these findings can help salespeople better persuade potential buyers who raise “deal-breaker” objections.

    How to Beat Your Toughest Competitor: The Status Quo

    A study from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania reveals why it’s so difficult to get buyers to abandon the status quo, and offers a counterintuitive insight into what it takes to get them to change.

    Why Salespeople – Not Prospects – Are Responsible for Stalls

    Salespeople who encounter stalled sales more than they'd like often suffer from a psychological phenomenon call “anticipatory regret.” Brain function measured by MRI scans show that fear of losing the sale may prevent you from asking questions you should early in the process.

    How to Unseat an Entrenched Competitor

    Conventional sales and marketing wisdom says we always need to show how our product are different and better than. Research shows that when trying to unseat entrenched competitors, that approach is almost certain to fail. Learn a better approach and the key insight behind it.

    The Commodity Copout

    Too many sales reps fall back on the “commodity copout” when a sale isn’t going the way they want. They argue, “Our product is a commodity and we have to lower our price to win the business.” Truth is, your product isn’t a true commodity and the buyer knows it. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn: why salespeople buy into the commodity copout, how the commodity copout sabotages sales, and the best way to differentiate your products and services and get the price you deserve.

    Overcoming Purchase Anxiety: How to Close Buyers Who Just Can’t Make a Decision

    It’s normal for buyers to feel anxiety about a major purchase, and that anxiety can jeopardize sales. Learn about research on a concept called “emotional contagion” that can cause normal, manageable anxiety – both the buyer’s and your own – to spin out of control and actually kill deals. Good news: There are ways to prevent it.

    Turning Objections into Objectives

    You've just finished making your pitch and the prospect serves up an objection. Your gut reaction is to respond with a counter argument. Stop right there. That instinct might cost you the sale. Fortunately, there is a way to respond in a way that turns the objection into an objective you and your customer can work on together -- and potentially net you a sale in the process. In this Quick Take, you will learn a simple technique that can help you deal with the toughest objections without being offensive, pushy or argumentative.

    How to Unseat an Entrenched Competitor

  • Building Trust & Credibility
    Building Trust & Credibility

    Fairness: Why the Little Things Matter So Much

    In this Quick Take, you will learn why perceived unfairness affects people so deeply, why, when it comes to fairness, little things matter a lot, and four categories of fairness that you, as a manager, must be aware of.

    Leading from Your Confidence Base

    In the early years after he founded Microsoft, Bill Gates had a surprising reply when strangers asked him what he did. He didn’t say, “I’m the CEO of Microsoft” or even “I’m an entrepreneur.” He said, “I’m a programmer.” He was making an important point about leadership – one that can help you become a more effective leader. In this Quick Take you will learn a simple definition of leadership -- and how it ties into credibility, the number one source of credibility for leaders and the key to increasing, and sustaining, your credibility as a leader.

    Six Managerial Styles You Need to Lead Effectively

    The best managers realize that to be a truly effective leader you need to deploy a variety of management styles depending on who you're dealing with and what you're trying to accomplish. They know that a 'one size fits all' approach to leadership simply doesn't work. In this Quick Take you’ll learn: Why 'one-trick-pony' managers have limited value to the organization, that great managers master a repertoire of six management styles and, how to correctly deploy the right style depending on the situation.

    The Power of Predictability

    The #1 job of the human brain is to predict what will happen, so that we can be prepared. But managers can unintentionally create a work environment where unpredictability reigns. When that happens, employees feel stressed, anxious and demotivated. In this Quick Take you will learn how the brain creates 'predictive models' that are designed to tell us what’s going to happen, why we feel good when our predictions are right – and bad when they’re wrong and how you can use the principle of predictability to create a more productive and positive work environment for your people.

    Vulnerability: Why it Drives Trust and Innovation on Teams

    In this Quick Take, you will learn how a leader’s fear of appearing vulnerable can become “contagious,” resulting in an overly cautious team culture driven by risk-avoidance, the results of a research experiment that shows how acknowledging vulnerability fosters trust on teams, which increases risk-taking, innovation and performance and how to help leaders reframe their attitude toward vulnerability.

    Leading from Your Confidence Base

  • Coaching, Training, & Talent Development
    Coaching, Training, & Talent Development

    The Power and Practice of Follow-up

    So what makes some training work and other training fail? Find out what separates training and development programs that succeed from those that don’t, how coaching plays a critical role in workplace learning, and how to conduct effective follow-up sessions with your employees.

    How to Turn Around a Struggling Team

    Scott manages an underperforming team—but not for long. He has a plan to turn things around. First, he observes and interviews his employees. For the low and average performers, which are most of the team, he identifies skills and knowledge gaps. Paul is disorganized. Jill talks excessively and doesn’t listen. And even Kathy, one of his stars, has great technical skills but can’t seem to hit project deadlines. In this Quick Take you will learn what research reveals about the best way to turn around a low-performing team, why efforts to improve deficits can backfire, and where to focus your coaching efforts to get the best results.

    Your Mindset Makes All the Difference

    A 'fixed' mindset is the belief that people’s abilities and talents are relatively static and cannot be improved in any meaningful way. A 'growth' mindset is the belief that innate talents are just a starting point – and that people can improve and grow over time if they work at it. In this Quick Take you will learn what studies reveal about the connection between coaching outcomes and a coach’s mindset about learning, how a change in mindset leads to more effective coaching, and five keys to success in a coaching role.

    How to Harness Peer Learning in Group Sessions

    Compared with one-on-one coaching, group learning may seem like a compromise. It’s a time-efficient way to get across basic concepts and need-to-know information, but it’s certainly not the same as an expert working individually with an employee on high-level skills – right? Right. It’s not the same. It’s often better. In this Quick Take you will learn what research says about the power of group learning sessions, why peers are often better coaches than bosses or other experts, and how to design high-impact group-learning sessions for your team.

    How to Help Employees Bounce Back After Failure

    Some people bounce back from mistakes – even big mistakes – with grit and resolve. Others feel crushed, lose confidence and stop doing the things that made them successful. They may even quit their job or change careers – with potentially devastating consequences for both the employee and your organization. In this Quick Take, you will learn what works to help employees recover from failure – and what doesn’t work, how you can encourage people to forgive themselves for failing -- while still holding them accountable, and a three-step model you can apply to help people bounce back.

    Framing Corrective Feedback in a Positive Way

    Bill has an employee with a serious performance issue. Bill sincerely wants to help and considers a very direct corrective-feedback approach -- for example, saying something like this: 'I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t tell you you’re failing, and that you’re going to lose your job if you don’t improve.' But Bill also wonders whether that message might backfire, demoralizing the employee and making the performance problems worse. So what should Bill do? In this Quick Take you will learn how a coach can frame corrective feedback in a positive way, why that doesn’t mean sugarcoating bad news or pulling your punches, and, why this approach is far more likely to result in behavior change than traditional ways of delivering corrective feedback.

    Why Goal-Setting Often Doesn’t Lead to Goal Achievement

    How many times have you set a goal for yourself or your team that wasn't achieved? In this Quick Take you will learn why strong enthusiasm for reaching a goal isn't enough, the difference between 'goal intentions' and 'implementation intentions' and a simple research-proven technique that vastly increases goal achievement.

    How to Offer Feedback That Actually Changes Behavior

    In this Quick Take you will learn what a landmark research study says about what’s going on in people’s brains when they’re interacting with a coach, and a model that optimizes your chances of success when trying to change people’s behavior.

    Coaching: Is It Okay To Let People Fail?

    Nobody likes to fail. Nobody likes to see their people fail. And no enlightened manager would ever set up their employees to fail, right? Well, not quite. Research shows that in certain situations, you can help your employees succeed in the long run by putting them in situations where they’re almost sure to fail. In this Quick Take, you will learn the science behind the concept of “productive failure” – why struggle and failure help people learn more quickly and retain what they’ve learned longer, why managers are often reluctant to let their people fail – even when they should; and when it’s appropriate to use “productive failure” and when it’s not.

    The Curse of Knowledge: Why it Hurts Training and How to Overcome it

    Chances are at some point in your career you ran into an expert who struggled to teach others. They sped through difficult topics like they were a cinch. They used jargon learners didn’t understand. And, worst of all, they didn’t realize their audience was totally lost. Researchers call this phenomenon 'the curse of knowledge.' And it’s a big training and development challenge in all organizations, including yours. In this Quick Take you will learn why it's so hard for experts to share what they know, how to use the power of “near-peer” training to bridge the knowledge gap between experts and inexperienced learners and why near-peer training benefits everyone involved in training – experts, learners and the near-peers themselves.

    Why 80% of Training Doesn’t Stick – And What You Can Do About It

    Companies spend about $1,000 per employee on training. But 80% of the time it doesn’t stick. That’s a staggering amount of money going down the drain. But, here’s the good news: You can take steps to reduce that waste -- and as a manager or supervisor, you’re in the best position to fix it. More good news: If you can master the techniques covered in this program, you’ll transform your results and propel your managerial career into overdrive. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn why most training fails … and what you can do to make it succeed. However, the solution we describe will only work if you take action – and that’s the challenge.

    Performance Feedback: The Seek-First-to-Understand Approach

    Few employees like getting performance evaluations. The process often feels rigid, judgmental and de-humanizing. Most managers, of course, are obligated to give annual performance evaluations, and many would tell you it’s the thing they hate most about their job. Fortunately, there’s a better way that eases the pain for both managers and employees. In this Quick Take you will learn the Seek-First-to-Understand method for providing performance feedback, the #1 goal of performance feedback, and the most frequently overlooked stage in traditional performance appraisal processes.

    Coaching: How to Help Employees Frame Setbacks in a Positive Way

    University of Pennsylvania research reveals why some people face rejection so much better than others. Unsuccessful people engaged in negative self-talk, seeing their failure as personal (their fault) and pervasive. Successful people did the opposite, framing failure as something external to themselves and related to the specific situation. Learn how to coach your people using this powerful insight.

    Framing Corrective Feedback in a Positive Way

  • Onboarding & Retention
    Onboarding & Retention

    Mastering the Stay Interview

    In this Quick Take, you will learn the strongest factor determining whether an employee will stay or leave, the real purpose of stay interviews, and simple guidelines for conducting effective stay interviews.

    Onboarding: The Critical Importance of a New Hire’s First Assignment

    When it comes to onboarding, the best leaders know that sink-or-swim -- the all-too-common default option at many organizations -- is a sloppy, lazy way to get new employees up to speed. In this Quick Take, you will learn a better way. You’ll discover that making people feel comfortable and welcome is NOT your most important goal as an onboarder, and the results of a new research study that shows the optimal way to design a new employee’s first assignment.

    The C.A.R.E.E.R. Model: The Ultimate Retention Strategy for Managers

    Every experienced manager knows the feeling. A valued employee walks into your office and says, 'I found a new job. I’m leaving.' You’re stung. You feel betrayed. And you’re asking yourself, 'Did I do something wrong?' The bad news: You probably did. The good news: In this Quick Take you’ll learn how to keep your good employees on board, energized and loyal.

    How to Help Inexperienced Hires Succeed in A New Job

  • Performance Management
    Performance Management

    Managing Long-Term Projects: Why People Procrastinate – and How To Get Them To Stop

    Does this sound familiar? A solid performer on your team is tackling an important project that will require sustained effort over a long period of time. Despite her best intentions, day-to-day stuff keeps getting in the way. Then, with the deadline right around the corner, she drops everything and scrambles to finish the project. As a manager, wouldn’t it be great if you could help your people avoid the last-minute rush and create sustained effort on long-term projects? In this Quick Take, you will learn the concept of “temporal discounting” – and why it almost guarantees that long-term projects will get sidelined by day-to-day demands; how to structure projects, deadlines and incentives to promote sustained effort; and how temporal discounting affects bonuses and incentives.

    Drifting Goals: Why Goals Often Erode Over Time

    In this Quick Take, you will learn the phenomenon of “drifting goals” -- a psychological trap that can erode performance over time, why past performance should NOT be your starting point for setting goals, why goals should be more about changing behavior than keeping score, and questions to ask yourself before you even consider lowering your goals.

    Performance Reviews: How to Deliver The Change Message

    In this Quick Take you will learn the psychological reason why people resist change messages, a simple exercise that can help defuse that resistance and how to structure feedback performance reviews to help get the change you want.

    Managing Difficult Projects: The Importance of Showing Early Progress

    Kim is leading a major project that’s critical to her company’s success. A couple of months ago, people were enthusiastic and eager to get to work. But over time team members got distracted. Then frustrated. Intrinsic motivation faded and the project lost steam. In this Quick Take, you will learn the key component of employee motivation, why the perception of progress is the key to actual progress and how communicating the right information at the right time accelerates productivity.

    Dealing With Mistakes: What High-Performing Teams Do Differently

    Research shows that high-performing teams and low-performing teams differ on one important dimension: How they handle mistakes. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn how to cultivate a team environment that gets mistakes out in the open where they can be dealt with, and why it’s important to celebrate mistakes and the people who point them out.

    ABC Method: Handling a Bad Attitude

    In every organization you have a few people with really BAD attitudes. The guy who has trouble dealing with authority … the woman who shows up late all the time … or the average performers who put in minimal effort but continually complain about their mediocre pay and lack of advancement. You could just terminate these employees. But let’s assume they’ve got skills you need and you decide they’re worth saving. This training module will show how to confront 'bad-attitude' employees the right way, and maximize the odds that they’ll change themselves and become better team players.

    How to Drain the Drama and Emotion From Salary Reviews

    Discussion about salary is one of the most emotionally charged topics in the workplace. Why, because people often equate their self worth and value with the size of their raise. When they don’t get what they think they deserve, they walk away thinking, 'Why doesn’t the company love me anymore.' In this Quick Take you’ll learn: Why the size of the raise isn’t what causes drama in salary reviews. Why the real problem is the manager, not the employee. And, a technique you can use to communicate more effectively when it comes to money.

    Delegation: How to Get Results Through Other People

    If delegation were simply about passing our work on to others, everyone would be great at it. But delegation is more complicated than it looks – and getting it right is so critical. In this Quick Take you will learn why delegation is key to advancement for a leader, what the Multiplier Effect is and why it’s the Holy Grail of delegation, the Four Fatal Flaws that sabotage delegation, and finally, how to avoid the Abdication Trap.

    Empowerment and Accountability: How Much Rope Should You Give Your People?

    Should you let people manage their own projects, or should you ride hard on them? Research suggests that the answer is 'both.' When you create external accountabilities for your people, they’re more likely to succeed. In this Quick Take, you will learn what behavioral research has to say about deadline-setting and deadline missing, why people often fail to meet deadlines they set for themselves, and how the research applies more broadly to issues of employee empowerment and accountability.

    Progressive Discipline: The “Career Advocate” Method for Salvaging Endangered Employees

    Managers often see the stages of progressive discipline as the opening acts leading up to firing of an employee. They focus on creating a paper trail to protect against potential lawsuits. But too many managers overlook the positive role progressive discipline can play, and they miss out on opportunities to change behavior and salvage employees who are worth trying to keep. That’s the main subject of this Quick Take, which will explore what managers can do to maximize the likelihood that “endangered” employees will turn themselves around.

    Dealing With Mistakes: What High-Performing Teams Do Differently

  • Communication

    Earning Trust: The Value of Small Promises

    In this Quick Take, you will learn how people feel when their boss makes a promise and breaks it, why it’s the frequency of promises – not their size -- that helps you earn trust and credibility from your people, and why it’s best to make lots of small promises that are easy to keep.

    How to Deliver Good News – and Not So Good News – To Your Team

    You have some good news and some bad news to share with your team. On the plus side, a key project they’ve been working on is getting rave reviews from customers. What’s more, you’ve just learned that the project is a finalist for a prestigious industry award. Even better, the team was able to deliver it on time and under budget. On the downside, the company is having a tough year, and raises and bonuses must be deferred for three months. Meanwhile, employees will face somewhat higher deductibles and co-pays under the new health plan. And a key leader of the team will be taking a job at a different company. In this Quick Take, you will learn how people perceive “serial gains” and “serial losses” differently, why a series of similar events creates a powerful impact on the mind, the best way to deliver bad news, and the best way to deliver good news.

    Working with Other Departments: How to Win Over “Porcupines”

    Working with people in other departments – or other organizations -- takes a subtle touch. You need their help, but your influence is limited. You’re not their coach or their supervisor. You don’t hire them, fire them, promote them or pay them. So how do you influence them? In this Quick Take, you will learn a counterintuitive approach that can help you build a better working relationship with “porcupine” colleagues in other departments or organizations, the psychological principle that makes this approach work, and what this counterintuitive truth reveals about how we make personal connections.

    How to Get Buy-in for Change

    What’s the best way to introduce a potentially disruptive change? Should you announce the change and immediately implement it? Announce the change and delay the implementation? Or Announce the change and gradually phase it in? In this Quick Take, you will learn a proven way to introduce and implement disruptive change, why this method will maximize employee buy-in, and the psychology behind people’s acceptance of change.

    Persuasion: Getting Employees, Bosses and Colleagues to See the Light

    You can’t be a successful leader without mastering the art of persuasion. You have to get subordinates, peers, and even bosses to see things your way – that is, the way you believe best serves organizational goals. But it’s hard. People see things differently than you do. In this Quick Take you will learn the most persuasive way to communicate hard truths to employees, colleagues and senior management, how to present evidence in a way that’s less likely to lead to a debate, and why we’re more persuasive when we communicate in the brain’s 'native language.'

    How to be an Idea Catalyst, Not an Idea Killer

    Leaders get where they are by being competent and confident. In certain situations projecting confidence and authority is necessary -- for example, in a crisis, when a time-sensitive project is behind schedule, or when rallying the troops behind a new initiative. But sometimes too much confidence can backfire, by shutting down contributions by the people on your team. In this Quick Take, you will learn when it’s important for a leader to appear capable and confident and when it’s important to dial it back

    Handling Excruciatingly Difficult Conversations

    A lot of people love playing a leadership role until … the day comes when there’s a problem in the organization and somebody needs to sit down with an employee and have a really difficult conversation – say, for example, he or she has terrible body odor that coworkers complain about. You don’t want to do it. You’re looking up and down the ranks to find someone else who’ll break the news. But guess what? They’re all looking at YOU. This Quick Take will give you a template you can apply whenever you have to confront an employee about a performance problem, the use of foul language, inappropriate physical contact, excessive use of perfume, unconscious rude behavior, or a host of other problems.

    How to Get Buy-in for Change

  • Conflict, Crisis & Change
    Conflict, Crisis & Change

    Change Management: How to Disarm Passive Resistance

    Don has been working for you for a long time. He likes what he does and the way he does it. And you’re about to mess that up. You need him to take on new duties or change the way he works, but Don is pushing back. In this Quick Take, you will learn the “secret message” employees are sending you when they engage in passive resistance, how to get greater buy-in from employees and the worst thing you can do with an uncooperative employee.

    When Your People Resist Change: Turning Objections into Objectives

    Good people resist change for lots of reasons. Perhaps they’re comfortable with the way things are. Perhaps they feel threatened. Perhaps they think the new way won’t work. As a leader, how do you respond? If you try to 'sell' change, your people will feel, well, sold. And if you simply demand change, you get reluctant participation at best. In this Quick Take, you will learn how to deal with employee objections and win buy-in without being dictatorial or argumentative, why efforts to 'counter' objections often backfire, why an objection is something to be embraced, and a three-step method to disarm resistance instead of escalating it.

    Controlling Rumors: Filling the Vacuum

    Rumors happen when employee anxiety collides with an information vacuum. If you don’t fill the vacuum with facts, your people will fill it with rumors. In this Quick Take you will learn the role managers play in spreading or defeating rumors, why rumors are a symptom of a larger problem – and why you must fix that problem to keep rumors at bay, two critical ingredients that feed the rumor mill, how to effectively address a rumor that’s already out there, and how to turn rumor mongers into TRUTH mongers.

    Handling Disruptive Star Performers: How to Tame a Tiger

    Every organization has its superstars. They are often the most valuable members of your team – and often times they know it. You love the results they deliver but their 'prima donna' attitude can be a serious disruption to everyone around them. Fortunately there is a way to keep them in check. In this Quick take you will learn a common response to a disruptive star performer – which fails miserably every time, an often-overlooked fact about stars that gives you far more power than you might think, and the S.T.O.P. Model for getting disruptive tigers to change bad behavior without driving them away – or turning them into pussycats.

    Leading in a Crisis: How to Keep People Calm, Focused and Engaged

    In this Quick Take you will learn the single most important leadership strategy in a crisis, which will give you the credibility to lead effectively, a key insight into the psychology of your employees that will help you motivate and retain them and a managerial roadmap for engaging employees in a time of crisis.

    Change Management: How to Disarm Passive Resistance

  • Decision Making
    Decision Making

    How to Head Off Groupthink

    In this Quick Take, you will learn why groupthink happens – and why it’s not a thinking problem, how groups reward people for getting along, and punish them for disagreeing even when they’re right, two techniques that are proven to disrupt groupthink and result in better decisions, and how to get greater buy in for those decisions once they’re made.

    Making Big Decisions: How to Uncover the Blind Spots that Can Sink Your Project

    Imagine you’re on the verge of launching a new project. It could be a game changer for you, your department and your company. You’ve invested a lot of time and energy building it out. You have buy-in from higher ups. And your people are enthusiastically on board. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, actually. But there’s something about our brains that often prevents us from seeing problems until it’s too late. In this Quick Take you will learn a technique psychologists call 'prospective hindsight,' how it can help you identify fatal flaws before a project is launched, and how to run a team meeting that harnesses the power of 'prospective hindsight.'

    Fact-Based Decision-Making: The Five Whys Technique

    Managers get paid to make difficult decisions – about hiring, firing, promotions, salaries, resource deployment, operations, new products, new markets and more. A decision-maker’s worst enemy is lack of information or inaccurate information. In this Quick Take you will learn the Five Whys technique that can help you quickly get the information you need to make fact-based decisions, what it means to have a 'threaded conversation', and how the Five Whys can make you a better manager.

    Group Decision Making – The Early Consensus Trap

    In this Quick Take you will learn why groups often fail to consider all the relevant facts when making decisions, why people who possess critical information often don’t speak up in meetings, and how leaders can structure team meetings to uncover this information and make better decisions.

    Making Big Decisions: How to Uncover the Blind Spots that Can Sink Your Project

  • Employee Engagement
    Employee Engagement

    Re-Energizing Long-Tenure Employees

    Tom is your employee. He’s been at your company for nearly fifteen years. In that time, he’s done a good job and risen through the ranks. Tom knows what needs to be done and you can count on him to do it. But he could be doing more. In this Quick Take, you will learn why disengagement among employees tends to rise when they’ve been in the job a long time, what managers are doing that contributes to this disengagement, and how to re-energize long-tenure employees.

    Avoiding the ‘Transaction Trap’: When do Financial Incentives Work – and When Can They Backfire?

    Bob was recently promoted to his first management job. He inherited a small problem from his predecessor. If he doesn’t address it quickly, it could turn into a big one. Some people are showing up late for work. But Bob wants to send a message that punctuality is important and expected. If you were Bob, how would you get your people to show up on time? In this Quick Take, you will learn how the 'transaction trap' can derail your efforts to improve results, why incentives and disincentives often backfire, and the difference between 'market interactions' and 'social interactions' – and how to know when to use each one.

    Employee Motivation: The Surprising Power of ‘Line of Sight’

    What inspires employees to show up every day and give their all? Good pay and benefits? That helps but it’s not enough. Most people want more than to show up, collect a paycheck and go home. They want their work to make a difference. Yet research shows that most employees don’t feel a sense of higher purpose. So what can you, as a manager, do to help? In this Quick Take you will learn the key element that gives work a sense of purpose – no matter what kind of work it is, why it’s so important to create 'lines of sight' between employees and the people who benefit from their work, and clear, actionable steps you can take to create these lines of sight for your employees.

    Tapping into Discretionary Effort

    Imagine yourself deeply immersed in an activity you love. That activity might involve tedious work, but it doesn’t seem tedious. On the contrary, it's so enjoyable that hours fly by like minutes. How much more motivated and productive would your employees be if they felt that way about their jobs? What if they simply loved coming to work and were so fully 'engaged' in what they do that they gave 'discretionary effort' to every task. In this Quick Take you will learn what it takes to earn this level of employee engagement, how engagement affects the bottom line, and how to combat three destructive narratives that cause employees to disengage.

    Four Triggers of Employee Disengagement

    Why do some teams succeed where others fail? What is it that gets some workers to engage 100% while others simply keep a seat warm? When things aren’t working, should you blame the employees or does the fault always lie with their manager? In this Quick Take you will learn how the principles of Attachment Theory apply to leadership, why attachment enhances engagement, and four triggers that weaken attachment bonds – and how managers can avoid them.

    The Biggest Motivator: Making Progress Toward Goals

    Harvard researchers analyzed what made employees happy – and therefore more engaged and productive. For managers this means your best opportunities for motivating your people occur in something you’re already doing on a regular basis: Holding people accountable for their goals. Learn a three-part model for getting it done.

    Employee Motivation: The Surprising Power of 'Line of Sight'

  • Personal Development
    Personal Development

    Managing Up: Getting Buy-in For Your Proposals

    In this Quick Take you will learn what causes people to instinctively resist some efforts at persuasion why this reaction often has more to do with how a proposal is presented than the quality of the proposal itself, and language to use when you’re trying to get buy-in for your ideas.

    Managing Workplace Stress: How to Stay Productive Under Pressure

    Think of a time when you were swamped at work. Too many deadlines. Too many people demanding your mind-share. Not enough time or resources to get it all done. You may be thinking, 'That’s how I always feel.' Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent such workplace stress from crushing your focus, productivity and morale. In this Quick Take, you will learn the results of a study on people working in one of the most high-stress workplaces you could imagine, and how a series of short, simple exercises resulted in a surprising boost in productivity and kept stress at bay.

    Time Management: Why It’s Not About Time

    Has your boss, or maybe even a colleague, ever said, 'You need to manage your time a little better'? If so, that’s code for, 'You’re not getting things done.' And it’s not a minor problem. It’s a game changer, one that affects your promotability, your salary potential and, possibly, the likelihood that your company will keep you around. In this Quick Take you will learn why employees in organizations are perceived as being good, or bad, at managing their time; the list that matters more than any other; and the #1 enemy of good time management.

    Managing Distractions: The “Got A Minute” Trap

    Every experienced manager knows how easily the workday can slip away. Employees pop in throughout the day looking for your help. Meetings run twice as long as planned. Unexpected fires need to be put out. Before you know it, the day is over and you haven’t accomplished what you set out to do. In this Quick Take you will learn the most important thing you own... and that you must never allow ANYONE to take away, the three words that are the most likely to steal that precious thing from you and a simple yet powerful tool that will help you to truly take charge of your time.

    New Manager Pitfalls: How to Avoid Them and Succeed in a Leadership Role

    So you just got promoted. You probably got singled out for management because you were a strong performer, a producer who achieved excellent results. Now you’re in charge of a team, and your job is to get OTHER people to be strong performers. But that’s easier said than done. It’s so difficult, in fact, that most people want nothing to do with it. Of those who take the challenge, many underestimate the complexities of management, and fail. In this Quick Take you will learn the steps you must take to get started in the right direction.

    Managing Workplace Stress: How to Stay Productive Under Pressure

  • Recognition, Rewards & Incentives
    Recognition, Rewards & Incentives

    Changing Behavior: Why Rewards and Punishments Often Aren’t Enough

    In this Quick Take, you will learn why carrots and sticks are often the wrong approach to changing behavior, an often-overlooked driver of change that can be more effective than rewards or punishment and two questions you should always ask before you try to change anyone’s behavior.

    Unlocking the Power of Non-Monetary Rewards

    In this Quick Take, we’re going to tell you the one thing you MUST do to make sure your nonmonetary rewards bring the results you expect. This is simple, but 90% of managers don’t bother to do it. You can start doing it immediately.

    Why Praise Can Backfire and How to Do It Right

    Experts tell us that we should deliver praise to our employees as often as possible. Recognition is one of the most powerful tools available to improve productivity, moral and loyalty. But giving praise isn’t as simple as it seems. Delivering it the wrong way at the wrong time can actually serve to de-motivate workers. In this Quick Take you will learn: 1) Examples of situations where 'praise' isn’t about praising at all, 2) An especially dangerous misuse of praise that could erode your credibility as a manager and, 3) The secret to ensuring that praise delivers the motivational message you intend it to.

    Changing Behavior: Why Rewards and Punishments Often Aren’t Enough

  • Recruiting, Hiring & Termination
    Recruiting, Hiring & Termination

    Overcoming Confirmation Bias in Hiring

    Multiple studies show that hiring interviews are poor predictors of job performance. Candidates who seem like a perfect fit in the interview turn out to be all wrong for the job, and later we wonder how we could have missed the obvious warning signs. In this Quick Take, you will learn how the psychological phenomenon known as “confirmation bias” can influence hiring decisions, a simple technique that counters confirmation bias, and how to apply this technique in hiring interviews.

    The Psychological Contract: When New Hires Don’t Stick Around

    You hired Jerry 18 months ago. He lacked experience but turned out to be a quick study and a hard worker, so you gave him a nice salary bump in year two. Now Jerry’s in your office, telling you he’s moving on. He likes the company. He likes you. But this other opportunity came up. You feel betrayed. In this Quick Take, you will learn why expectations between employers and new hires are often misaligned, a concept known as the “psychological contract” – and how it governs the way an employee thinks about your organization, and how to create clarity and alignment so that expectations on both sides are met.

    Hiring for Grit

    He looked so good on paper. But a year later he hasn’t lived up to his potential. Yes, he’s smart and talented. But when he encounters obstacles, he throws up his hands. In this Quick Take, you will learn why talent, credentials and past accomplishments don’t always predict on-the-job success; two key indicators you should look for in every job candidate’s resume or work history; and a hiring approach that can help identify candidates with the grit to get the job done.

    Situational Interviews: How They Can Improve Your Hiring Decisions

    Have you ever hired someone who seemed like a star in the interview but ended up being a dud on the job? If so, you’re not alone. According to multiple research studies, traditional interview questions often fail to reveal whether a candidate will succeed in your organization. But a recent study found one type of question that is especially predictive of an employee’s future success. In this Quick Take you will learn what a major study of job interviews discovered about why traditional interview questions so often fail to predict future performance, why 'situational interview' questions far outperformed all others in the study, and how to create and use these questions, based on the specific job you need to fill.

    Reference Checks: How to Get Feedback That Predicts Future Performance

    Managers check references for many reasons. But the most critical goal is to ferret out information that will accurately predict how a candidate will perform if hired. In this Quick Take you will learn the often-overlooked goal of a successful reference check, what researchers say is one of the biggest obstacles to getting truthful answers and why the way you phrase questions is the key to getting the information you need to make an informed hiring decision.

    Hiring Interviews: The ‘Deep Conversations’ Method to Ensure You Hire the Right Person

    We’ve all interviewed people for key positions and come away thinking, 'This candidate is perfect.' And we’ve all had the experience where we looked back after hiring a 'perfect candidate' and asked, 'What was I thinking? What did I miss? How could I have prevented such a mistake?' In this Quick Take, you will learn: A communications model called 'Deep Conversations', how to use this model to 'peel the onion' and achieve deep levels of communication that will help you foolproof your hiring decisions, and why this technique works both for people who are concealing information, and those who simply lack self-awareness.

    Recruiting: The Reality Check Technique for Gaining Alignment

    There’s a huge difference between making a good hire and making a great hire. A good hire is one that places a qualified candidate into the position you need to fill today. It meets your organization’s immediate need. A great hire, on the other hand, meets both short and long term needs – for your organization as well as your new hire. The question is, how do you make that happen. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn the real reason top performers accept jobs, the 'reality check' technique for gaining alignment between your goals and the candidate’s, and why long-term goal alignment protects you from the costliest mistake you can make in the hiring process.

    How to Smoke Out Impostors in Job Interviews

    Why is hiring the right people so hard? Because many job candidates are remarkably good at persuading us that they can do things they can’t. What’s more, we often don’t realize how our emotions and personal biases can affect our choices. In this Quick Take you will learn: The most dangerous attitude a hiring manager can possibly bring to an interview, the preparation oversight that gives Impostors an opening, and two proven questioning techniques that will expose Impostors every time.

    How to Conduct Effective Exit Interviews

    Reflect back on some exit interviews you’ve conducted. When the person walked out of the room, were you ever thinking: I still don’t have a clue why the person REALLY left and that was a complete waste of time. Clearly, that’s not your goal. You’d like your exit interviews to reveal useful information you can use to improve your company and your retention rates. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn: The one type of employee that will give you the most useful info. The #1 obstacle to getting meaningful input. And, a simple questioning technique that will transform the way you conduct exit interviews and get far superior results.

    Reference Checks: How to Get Feedback That Predicts Future Performance

  • Team Dynamics
    Team Dynamics

    The ‘Competence Trap’: Why Teams Struggle to Change

    Why is it so hard to get teams to take on something new and make it succeed? Is it that people are too resistant to change? Are they too busy with their current tasks? Are they just not good enough? In this Quick Take, you will learn the key reason why teams fail when they try to do new things, the unexpected downside of success, and how you can improve the odds that new initiatives will take root and grow in your team.

    High-Stakes Problem-Solving: How to Get Crystal-Clear Thinking When You Need It Most

    When facing a really tough problem, you need your people to bring 100% of their brainpower to bear. In those make-or-break moments, fuzzy thinking can be disastrous. People grasp at simple solutions. They don’t consider unintended consequences. They fall back on what feels familiar, even when it hasn’t worked in the past. They focus on the wrong issues. In this Quick Take, you will learn why high-stakes problems inhibit the mind’s ability to come up with solutions, how managers may inadvertently hamper creativity and problem-solving, and what you can do to maximize your employees’ innate problem-solving potential.

    Random Encounters: How They Promote Team Cohesion and Boost Productivity

    As any manager knows, communication is the fuel that makes teams go. And today it’s easier than ever for team members to keep in touch. Tools like email, instant messaging, texts and conference calls allow employees to efficiently share information with their colleagues anytime, anywhere in seconds. In this Quick Take you will learn the number one factor that drives team productivity, why it has such a profound effect and how you can boost team performance by creating more opportunities for random encounters.

    Team Goals and Social Loafing

    In this Quick Take you will learn the phenomenon psychologists call 'social loafing', why performance can dip when people become part of a team and how you can overcome 'social loafing' and build effective teams.

    A 4-Point Model for Leading High-Performance Teams

    There is one thing all successful leaders 'get' that failed leaders don’t. They know they can’t achieve breakthrough organizational results by themselves. That wisdom is often hard-earned because most leaders started their careers as individual high performers who moved mountains all alone. But they figured out at some point that the key to their success as a leader was their team. But not just any team. They needed an A-Team. This program will give you a proven 4-point model for building and maintaining a high-performance team that consistently delivers extraordinary results

    How to Get More and Better Ideas from Brainstorming Sessions

    The #1 rule in brainstorming sessions is no judgments. Everyone knows that if you let team members criticize each other's ideas, you’ll discourage people from putting forward new concepts – and you may not get the best answer to whatever problem you need to solve. In this Quick Take, you’ll learn why traditional brainstorming techniques are actually counterproductive, an improved technique for brainstorming that DOES work, and how to prime people to generate problem-solving ideas.

    Team Productivity: The Power of Brooks’ Law

    What do managers often do when projects start falling behind deadline? They ask for more resources. Adding a few more good people to the project seems a logical solution to the problem. In some cases, however, that’s not the best course of action. In fact, it could make things worse. In this Quick Take you’ll learn about 'Brooks Law' and what it means to team productivity. You’ll find out what his landmark research revealed and how you can apply it in your organization.

    Managing Team Conflict

    Conflict is absolutely essential to a well-functioning team. When getting along is more important than getting it right, hard questions don’t get asked. Tough decisions don’t get made. The challenge for managers is keeping productive conflict from turning into a disruptive force that can crush morale and team alignment. In this Quick Take you will learn why conflict is a powerful tool that team leaders must use to their advantage, what’s going on under the surface when disagreements become toxic, and the ACES method of conflict resolution – a straightforward approach that can turn destructive conflict into constructive solutions.

    Random Encounters: How They Promote Team Cohesion and Boost Productivity

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